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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gunbound...a chibi solution to tanks

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Gunbound is fun and sadistic, especially because they have super cute chibi players, adorably deadly tanks, accessories and annoyingly sweet music as you bombard your enemies with rockets!

When I fist started playing Gunbound it was much easier to acquire a unique avatar with the gold you acquire through mercilessly killing other obscenely cute players on playful maps with cheery music in the background.

Now, it takes a hefty amount of gold to build your avatar, unless you want to pay cash. In fact, it is very annoying to build a proficient character with only gold.

Obviously they are attempting to make people spend money, but a noob is still a noob no matter how good the gear he has.

There are some avatar accessories only available through cash or gold, but for the most part you can find an equivalent if you pay either way.

What really makes me angry is the fact Gunbound charges depending on how much time you want to keep the avatar item. Personally I believe if you pay cash, you should be able to keep if forever, end of story.

Furthermore, they make you pay to post your picture on the profile? WTF?

Moving on to the actual gameplay…Gunbound is like tanks, but with a little gay flare to entice more females into the franchise. Or maybe boys just like visually molesting chibi avatar females, I don’t know.

Tank choice is fun, because it’s just not a soulless tank. Most feature cute eyes or can even be an animal ready to maim with it’s custom rockets, coming from hammer space.

Personally I like the Bigfoot, it doesn’t hit worth anything, but often leaves enemies buried and eventually the hole leads them off the map into death.

There are also many maps to choose from and it’s very easy to make your own room, just remember to choose a tank suited to the map and your abilities. There are also different kids of battles:
Solo-every avatar for themselves
Score-you blast the opposing team with limited lives
Tag-you choose two mobiles to fight with
Jewel-you hit targets, earning points to victory
Powerball-same as score, but the teleport is only available, and powerballs drop giving advantages to players who collect them or land on them

I suggest you start on Jewel until you become used to the aiming dynamic of the game, which is simple, but takes some practice. All you have to consider is angle and wind, but each tanks weapons can act differently to each condition.

There are also certain bonuses you can earn by how many hit points you accumulate on a player, if you shoot backwards, high angle, it’s endless and fun to explore different styles of fighting.

Gunbound Trick Shots Tutorial - Watch today’s top amazing videos here

I like how the game isn’t just point and shoot and how you can develop your skills through actual practice. It’s takes time and energy, but it’s so cute and fun to play.

So, download and give it a try, it’s free, fun, cute and addicting!

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