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Friday, October 30, 2009

Maplestory: Monkey Trainers...Really?


Quicke: This Cake is Really Just a 2D Image

I’ve heard about Maplestory from some friends and for the most part they liked it at first, but gave up around level 15 because the game just abandoned them like orphan vampires.

It looked super cute and it had nice nostalgic feel with the 2D environment, but it lacked a creative story. It felt very strange to ask monkeys for tutorial steps, no wonder the kingdom was falling apart, the warriors are taught by apes.

I also thought the controls were too much like button mash paradise and the hit detector was shotty. It brought no joy to my life, it just depressed my inner gamer despite the cuteness.

Most MMORPGs have a dynamic story drawing you in, making you interested, active, but Maple Story just slapped your character in with monkeys to guide you.

There was nothing to communicate the character’s motive in the game and I thought carrying around a chair for your character was retarded.

The enemies pop up so much, there was not time to sit and it just looked lame for an adventurer to carry a chair. Just imagine a adventurer on WOW carrying a chair…

enough said.

Maplestory was too simple to enjoy and it just left me a little empty inside.

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