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Friday, November 20, 2009

League of Legends: Sweet

Quickie: Too Awesome, Download
League of Legends

Online real time strategy game (RTS) featuring Warcraft III graphics, creativity. as addicting as premium chocolate because having control of a demigod at your finger just feels right and awesome. The tutorial was easy to understand and play through, so when you play practice or competitive games you won’t feel lost.

There was also a great selection of charters to choose from, to meet your battle style. I was lucky to be apart of the opening weekend, so all the characters were open, now that the store opened I have to spend points, earned in game, to play my favorite characters.

My personal favorite was Annie. A little pink haired girl who skipped about and threw fire magic on you. She also has a little bear named Tibbers, who she can animate and lead him in a path of destruction.

Her catchphrases, all the charters have them, can be a little annoying, but she is a little difficult to play for a beginner.  So, here is a wonderful website to help you use your character efficiently: League Craft.  This site helps you play your character, choose the appropriate runes and just not suck.

I do not like how you have to have the final blow to earn gold from killing minions or other demigods, but it was compensated by having a constant flow of money over time.

There were also these mastery points which you can use to improve your characters general stats. They were like the talent trees on WOW.

I’m was just happy to see a game completely free, with excellent graphics, awesome gameplay, creative demigods, there was nothing to complain about. Support the game, download it now.

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